leek & lardon tart

I like to always have a roll of premade puff pastry in the freezer. It might not seem like the most ‘chefy’ thing to say, but it’s super handy to have one on hand, that can be brought out at a moments notice, topped with whatever you have in the fridge, and used to create something quite lovely.

This is one of my favourite toppings, but feel free to go rogue and add whatever you fancy. I personally like the way the smoky, salty flavour of the lardons contrasts with the sweet taste of the leeks, with a little sourness from the creme fraiche in the background. I normally plan to eat half and save half for another time, but I’m never particularly shocked that the whole thing gets eaten in one go.


for the tart

one roll of premade puff pastry

6 leeks

200g smoked lardons

25g grated parmesan

150g creme fraiche

black pepper

1 sprig fresh thyme (optional)

1 egg (to brush on the pastry)


See this more as inspiration than a guide. Feel free to top your pastry however you fancy.

  1. Start by cooking the lardons in a frying pan over a medium heat, with a little oil.

  2. Whilst they are cooking, slice your leeks down the middle (lengthways) and chop up into semicircles of around 1cm width.

  3. Once the lardons have cooked and started to crisp up a little, add the leeks to the pan along with a little more oil and a good grind of black pepper. Stir this all around, then lower the heat and cover with a lid. You want the steam to stay inside so that the leeks. start to sweat down a little.

  4. Stir occasionally, and remove from the heat when the leeks are super soft and a little sticky. Set this aside to start to cool.

  5. Heat your oven up to 200c and roll the puff pastry onto a baking tray.

  6. Using the back of a spoon, spread the creme fraiche over the top of the pastry, trying to leave about half an inch gap around the edge.

  7. Cover the creme fraiche with the leek mix, then sprinkle the parmesan over the top.

  8. Whisk up your egg, then gently brush it over the pastry that is on show.

  9. Back for around 10-15 minutes, until it has puffed up and turned a lovely golden brown.

  10. Remove from the oven, let it deflate and cool slightly, then slice and serve. I like it with a nice caramelised onion chutney, but english mustard also works well.